Bosch Mobility Aftermarket Amplifies CareForEducation Initiatives in the Philippines
Philippines – Now on its way towards completing its 2nd year, Bosch’s CareForEducation initiative with Teach for the Philippines (TFP) has to-date raised 43,979 EUR (2,760,000 PHP); with 28,044 EUR (1,760,000 pesos) from Bosch Mobility Aftermarket (MA) Philippines and Bosch Primavera, and 15,934 EUR (1,000,000 pesos) from Bosch Mobility Aftermarket distributor, Warren Automotive Company. Through this, Bosch MA has been able to support TFP’s Student Programs for Literacy and Life Skills, which has reached over 1,500 students as well as 770 parents and guardians. An overwhelming majority of participating students have shown remarkable growth by the end of TFP’s programs, with an average of 70% and 87% in endline scores for literacy and numeracy respectively, and notable paradigm shifts in socioemotional mindsets.
Building off years of successful interventions, Bosch MA Philippines and Bosch Primavera will continue to support TFP as they launch the Tara, Kaya! Program, is a holistic approach that aims not just to increase student scores, but also to help them build confidence, emotional resilience, and connections with others. The program aims to reach even more students as well as parents/guardians by 2025.
“The Care for Education initiative, now in its second year, has improved so many lives and we look forward to continuing this positive impact in the years to come.” Paulo Duarte, Managing Director of Bosch Philippines. “Ensuring access to education for all will bear fruits in an ever-growing population.” he added.

“We greatly appreciate how Bosch MA shares our vision of ensuring all FIlipino children can benefit from quality education.” shared Mavie Almeda Ungco, Chief Executive Officer of Teach for the Philippines, “Our continued partnership with education champions like Bosch MA enables us to innovate and ensure that we are able to deliver the most relevant programs for our public school students.”
To drive the momentum for another year of partnership, Bosch Mobility Aftermarket (MA) Philippines hosted a Brigada Eskwela activity last August 16, 2024, in support of the recently opened School Year 2024-2025. Volunteer employees flocked to Bagong Silangan Elementary School in Quezon City to help in repairing classroom furniture and school facilities and ensuring a conducive learning environment for public school students.

This #CareForEducation initiative is part of Bosch MA’s Care For Life campaign, which contributes to vulnerable children’s communities in ASEAN, supported by Bosch Primavera, a charitable organization founded by Bosch associates.
The launch of #CareForEducation in the Philippines marks the third country to activate Bosch MA’s ASEAN-wide Care For Life campaign. The Campaign are also extended to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam with initiatives focusing on happiness, road safety, clean air, eye sight and children’s health respectively.

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OFFICIAL RELEASE: Bosch Philippines (Mobility Aftermarket) | PRODUCTION: TRAFFIC NETWORK PH